Braxton and Tyler


Okay. Umm...I'm gonna write from the heart heheh. Tyler has been there with me through everything. I was in a relationship with this guy who didn't exactly "love" me. Tyler had immediately stepped up to be my guard. This guy had suspected Tyler had feelings for me and it was later confirmed :). When that other guy randomly just LEFT, Tyler would comfort me everyday when I cried. He'd tell me that the other guy would come back and he never did. Then...on October 27th...Tyler asked me to be his girlfriend.
I was already head over heels for him so of course I confirmed. Then that other guy came back and stirred up alot of trouble with mine and Tyler's relationship. But I chose a lucky card. No matter what, through good times and rough times, Tyler has stood by my side. He hasn't left me due to a crappy argument. I love him so much. Baby....I love you SO much. You're the best boyfriend a girl can ask for. I hope one day you can be the best husband. You're perfect to me!
. I love you.